apps/search API v7
Get a list of searched apps
This endpoint has the following arguments:
Name | Input | Description | Details |
aab | BOOLEAN | Enable AAB apps. | |
access_token | TOKEN | Authentication access token. |
Default | null |
Properties | • Max length: 512 |
Example | "cGF1bG8udHJlemVudG9zQGFwdG9pZGUuY29tOkF" |
api_key | TOKEN | Authentication API key. |
Default | null |
Properties | • Max length: 512 |
apk_required_features | LIST<PACKAGE_NAME> | APK required features to filter by. |
Default | [] |
Properties | • Max length: 8 |
Example | "android.hardware.wifi,android.hardware.touchscreen" |
apk_tags | LIST<STRING> | Apk tags. |
Default | [] |
Properties | • Max length: 100 • Input (STRING): › Max length: 128 |
Example | "alpha,beta" |
appc_only | BOOLEAN | List only apps with appc billing or advertising | |
appc_types | LIST<STRING> | AppcTypes flags (include). |
Default | [] |
Properties | • Max length: 3 • Input (STRING): › Allowed values: "advertising", "billing" |
Example | "billing,advertising" |
cdn | STRING | CDN type selector. |
Default | "pool" |
Properties | • Allowed values: "pool", "web", "apw", "cdn9" |
Example | "web" |
info | BOOLEAN | Show API info page. | |
language | STRING | Language. |
Default | "en" |
Properties | • Min length: 2 • Max length: 6 |
Example | "pt_PT" |
limit | +INT31_NULL | Lists items limit. | |
mature | BOOLEAN | Enable mature content. | |
not_apk_required_features | LIST<PACKAGE_NAME> | APK required features to filter from (exclude). |
Default | [] |
Properties | • Max length: 8 |
Example | "android.hardware.wifi,android.hardware.touchscreen" |
not_apk_tags | LIST<STRING> | Apk tags (exclude). |
Default | [] |
Properties | • Max length: 100 • Input (STRING): › Max length: 128 |
Example | "alpha,beta" |
not_package_tags | LIST<STRING> | Package tags (exclude). |
Default | [] |
Properties | • Max length: 100 • Input (STRING): › Max length: 128 |
Example | "system" |
offset | UINT32 | Lists items offset. | |
package_tags | LIST<STRING> | Package tags. |
Default | [] |
Properties | • Max length: 100 • Input (STRING): › Max length: 128 |
Example | "system" |
q | SBASE64 | Base 64 encoded query string of device specs. |
Default | null |
Properties | • Max length: 1024 |
Example | "bWF4U2RrPTE5Jm1heFNjcmVlbj1ub3JtYWwmbWF4R2xlcz0yLjA" |
query | STRING | Search query. |
Default | null |
Properties | • Min length: 2 • Max length: 100 |
Example | "aptoide" |
refresh | BOOLEAN | Refresh request. | |
store_ids | LIST<+INT31> | Store IDs. |
Default | [] |
Properties | • Truncate • Max length: 100 |
Example | "15,1113" |
store_names | LIST<DOMAIN_LABEL> | Store names. |
Default | [] |
Properties | • Truncate • Max length: 100 |
Example | "apps,savou" |
stores_auth_map | ARRAY<LIST<STRING>> | Stores authentication map as store identifier→credentials key pairs The credentials are 2 element lists as [user,SHA1(password)]. |
Default | [] |
Properties | • Truncate • Max length: 100 • Input (LIST): › Length: 2 |
Example | { "apps": [ "aptuser", "222393ba85b9c2131c3ce7b3c2fcb6926de54782" ] } |
trusted | BOOLEAN | List trusted apps only. | |
use_qa_index | BOOLEAN | Use Quality Assurance index to prioritize QA reviewed apps in the catalog. | |
Mandatory Arguments
This endpoint requires 1 of the following possible combinations of arguments:
• query
Arguments Aliases
This endpoint has the following possible arguments aliases:
• language: lang
• store_ids: store_id
• store_names: store_name
• apk_tags: apk_tag
• not_apk_tags: not_apk_tag
• apk_required_features: apk_required_feature
• not_apk_required_features: not_apk_required_feature
• package_tags: package_tag
• not_package_tags: not_package_tag
The input types used by the existing arguments in this endpoint are the following:
Name | Description | Examples |
+INT31_NULL | 31 bits positive nullable integer: 0 to 2147483647 (0 = NULL) | |
ARRAY<LIST<STRING>> | Associative array of elements as: List of items as: String of characters | "key1:a,foobar,Some text,2:[\"a\",\"foobar\",\"Some text\"]" { "key1": "a,foobar,Some text", "2": ["a", "foobar", "Some text"] } |
BOOLEAN | Boolean: FALSE (0, f, false, no, off) or TRUE (1, t, true, yes, on) | |
LIST<+INT31> | List of items as: 31 bits positive integer: 1 to 2147483647 | |
LIST<DOMAIN_LABEL> | List of items as: Web domain label | "site,my-domain-label,some-other-domain-label" [ "site", "my-domain-label", "some-other-domain-label" ] |
LIST<PACKAGE_NAME> | List of items as: Java package name | "com.package.vendor,," [ "com.package.vendor", "", "" ] |
LIST<STRING> | List of items as: String of characters | ["a", "foobar", "Some text"] |
SBASE64 | String of characters in URL safe base64 | |
STRING | String of characters | |
TOKEN | Tokenized string of characters | "AjgI74-ash_86jhgasorw-5234" "1Eiayn9Suo3fcgKrQq8qHwCz3MP" |
UINT32 | 32 bits unsigned integer: 0 to 4294967295 | |
This endpoint may output a response in one of the following types:
Name | Type | Description | MIME Type | Properties |
json | JSON | JavaScript Object Notation | application/json | |
An example of the usage of this endpoint can be seen below:
Request URL:
Response (json):
"info": {
"status": "OK",
"time": {
"seconds": 0.21594715118408203,
"human": "216 milliseconds"
"datalist": {
"total": 181,
"count": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 3,
"next": 3,
"hidden": 0,
"loaded": true,
"list": [
"id": 69974370,
"name": "Aptoide",
"package": "",
"uname": "aptoide",
"size": 20938507,
"icon": "",
"graphic": "",
"added": "2025-02-20 15:05:28",
"modified": "2025-02-20 15:05:28",
"updated": "2025-03-13 00:21:55",
"uptype": "webservice",
"developer": {
"id": 66251,
"name": "Aptoide"
"store": {
"id": 3601853,
"name": "carolyne-silva",
"avatar": "",
"appearance": {
"theme": "default",
"description": ""
"stats": {
"apps": 22,
"subscribers": 71,
"downloads": 353277
"file": {
"vername": "",
"vercode": 12050,
"md5sum": "1427bd04e9473383676ab6642350d096",
"filesize": 20938507,
"signature": {
"sha1": "D5:90:A7:D7:92:FD:03:31:54:2D:99:FA:F9:99:76:41:79:07:73:A9",
"owner": "ST=Portugal"
"path": "",
"path_alt": "",
"tags": [],
"malware": {
"rank": "TRUSTED"
"stats": {
"downloads": 68953,
"pdownloads": 177996100,
"rating": {
"avg": 3.8,
"total": 10
"prating": {
"avg": 4.32,
"total": 20218
"has_versions": true,
"obb": null,
"appcoins": {
"advertising": false,
"billing": false,
"flags": []
"urls": {
"id": 70090233,
"name": "Aptoide Wallet",
"package": "com.appcoins.wallet",
"uname": "appcoins-wallet",
"size": 65911589,
"icon": "",
"graphic": "",
"added": "2018-06-15 19:18:18",
"modified": "2025-03-10 22:04:14",
"updated": "2025-03-05 12:14:26",
"uptype": "webservice",
"developer": {
"id": 330305,
"name": "Catappult io"
"store": {
"id": 1966380,
"name": "catappult",
"avatar": "",
"appearance": {
"theme": "deep-purple",
"description": "Unleash your apps.\r\nReach millions."
"stats": {
"apps": 107436,
"subscribers": 710025,
"downloads": 383452751
"file": {
"vername": "4.0.0",
"vercode": 352,
"md5sum": "605a3fadf6a235cee41f2d6731860111",
"filesize": 65911589,
"signature": {
"sha1": "51:E0:8F:5C:27:CB:81:D3:5F:F0:D2:47:E9:F8:8E:DA:67:6A:A5:1E",
"owner": "CN=Blockchain Distribution Services, OU=Blockchain Team, O=Blockchain Distribution Services, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=PT"
"path": "",
"path_alt": "",
"tags": [],
"malware": {
"rank": "TRUSTED"
"stats": {
"downloads": 2902533,
"pdownloads": 3012661,
"rating": {
"avg": 3.93,
"total": 1174
"prating": {
"avg": 3.94,
"total": 1180
"has_versions": true,
"obb": null,
"appcoins": {
"advertising": false,
"billing": false,
"flags": ["STORE_BDS"]
"urls": {
"id": 22112966,
"name": "Aptoide Backup Apps",
"package": "pt.aptoide.backupapps",
"uname": "aptoide-backup-apps",
"size": 3252025,
"icon": "",
"graphic": "",
"added": "2015-12-03 02:48:15",
"modified": "2023-07-04 21:38:51",
"updated": "2017-10-20 09:49:42",
"uptype": "aptbackup",
"developer": {
"id": 66251,
"name": "Aptoide"
"store": {
"id": 1010905,
"name": "kipidap",
"avatar": "",
"appearance": {
"theme": "black",
"description": "Dongibab!"
"stats": {
"apps": 257,
"subscribers": 7073,
"downloads": 1575781
"file": {
"vername": "",
"vercode": 20103,
"md5sum": "bd191f6ec83fef9d1489ff2ca6a21123",
"filesize": 3252025,
"signature": {
"sha1": "61:ED:37:7E:85:D3:86:A8:DF:EE:6B:86:4B:D8:5B:0B:FA:A5:AF:81",
"owner": ", CN=Android, OU=Android, O=Android, L=Mountain View, ST=California, C=US"
"path": "",
"path_alt": "",
"tags": [],
"malware": {
"rank": "TRUSTED"
"stats": {
"downloads": 1127,
"pdownloads": 1935675,
"rating": {
"avg": 5,
"total": 1
"prating": {
"avg": 4.09,
"total": 2709
"has_versions": true,
"obb": null,
"appcoins": {
"advertising": false,
"billing": false,
"flags": []
"urls": {
To take full advantage on the usage of this endpoint, please take the following notes into consideration:
AuthenticationAny authentication arguments should be sent using the POST method, ideally through an encrypted connection (HTTPS).
All the possible errors that may be replied during the usage of this endpoint are the following:
Name | Description | HTTP Code |
API-1 | Invalid value ... for argument '...' | 400 Bad Request |
API-2 | Invalid output '...' | 400 Bad Request |
API-3 | Missing mandatory arguments '...' | 400 Bad Request |
API-4 | At least 1 node must be set | 400 Bad Request |
API-5 | Malformed node at ... | 400 Bad Request |
API-6 | Invalid node '...' | 400 Bad Request |
API-7 | Missing mandatory arguments '...' for condition '...' | 400 Bad Request |
API-8 | Invalid value for argument '...': ... | 400 Bad Request |
API-9 | Invalid request: ... | 400 Bad Request |
AUTH-1 | Authentication required | 401 Unauthorized |
AUTH-2 | Authentication failed: invalid '...' | 401 Unauthorized |
AUTH-3 | Authentication failed: expired '...' | 401 Unauthorized |
AUTH-4 | Authentication error | 500 Internal Server Error |
AUTH-5 | Access denied: access level ... required | 403 Forbidden |
AUTH-6 | Access denied: not in allowed groups | 403 Forbidden |
AUTH-7 | Access denied: not in allowed countries | 403 Forbidden |
AUTH-8 | Access denied: not in allowed IP addresses | 403 Forbidden |
AUTH-9 | Access denied: not in allowed domains | 403 Forbidden |
AUTH-10 | Access denied: not in allowed origins (CORS) | 403 Forbidden |
AUTH-11 | Access denied: unauthorized user | 403 Forbidden |
AUTH-12 | Access denied: unauthorized operation | 403 Forbidden |
AUTH-13 | Access denied: invalid API key | 401 Unauthorized |
STORE-1 | Store '...' not found | 404 Not Found |
STORE-2 | Store '...' is pending approval | 403 Forbidden |
STORE-3 | Store '...' is private: authentication required | 401 Unauthorized |
STORE-4 | Store '...' is private: authentication failed (invalid '...') | 401 Unauthorized |
STORE-5 | Store '...' is private: access denied | 403 Forbidden |
STORE-6 | Store '...' was closed | 403 Forbidden |
STORE-7 | Store '...' was suspended | 410 Gone |
SYS-0 | (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ | 417 Expectation Failed |
SYS-1 | An unknown system error occurred, please try again | 500 Internal Server Error |
SYS-2 | The system is down for maintenance, please try again later | 503 Service Unavailable |
SYS-3 | Operation timed out, please try again later | 504 Gateway Timeout |